Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Mr. Bean has left the building.....

So I'm not really blogging here so much, as I'm not teaching. I'm doing Yoga, so I'm blogging
Here. Come in, stop by, rummage through the drawers and the medicine cabinet. I don't mind at all.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Just go ahead and ignore this

<--! get stats at -->

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Blockbuster

Promised I would. Here it is:

Soooooooo fun to make.

Friday, October 10, 2008

On Change

I'm not teaching. Had enough for a while.

I'm investigating Yoga. Being a half-breed now in California, I'm in a unique position to provide commentary, and so I shall. You can check out the new blog at

And so I will be posting there for a while. I'm still going to put up our blockbuster film here, and put a down posts that won't quite fit on the yoga blog, but I'm kinda getting going on the yoga thing, and will be muddling around there for a while. Come join me.

On resting

Being an unemployed, shingles-ridden single bachelor living alone affords one much free time, as you can imagine. And so I'm starting another blog. I'll tell you all about it later, some day, whatever, but the point is that blog land has just eaten up two hours of my day goddamit, but I did find this Hindi god of the Day to your left, and it's so goddam appropriate to the new blog, well, it's going on both. I may abandon ship on this one, and that's ok seeing as I sort of abandoned it for a month, and so lost all 6 readers. Any way, I'm not really a teacher right now, so what the fuck, why not turn the page on this one. Maybe later I'll get back to it. Still though, gotta wait for the movie to come out- that, at least, I can faithfully say I've followed through on. Stay tuned......

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

On Blisters

Woke up with a half-ring of nasty blood-tinged dried blister globules all around my shirt. Nasty as it is, i hope it's marking the begining of the end......

Sunday, October 5, 2008

On Stupid Fucking Ideas

Like trying to conflate painful experiences. What a fucking dumb idea. Let me be the one to tell you, shingles are NO JOKE. They are as painful as everyone says, and more. Dry socket, after getting your molars out? For amatuers. Spinal Meningitis and the accompanying spinal tap? Puh-leeeze, nigger. This shit had me dribbling spit over my chin, leaning onto buildings in public, thinking I was gonna hurl, AND I WASN"T EVEN THE LEAST BIT NAUSEUS. Fuck. It's subsiding, now, thank fucking God, even though he never did answer my phone call.