Friday, October 10, 2008

On resting

Being an unemployed, shingles-ridden single bachelor living alone affords one much free time, as you can imagine. And so I'm starting another blog. I'll tell you all about it later, some day, whatever, but the point is that blog land has just eaten up two hours of my day goddamit, but I did find this Hindi god of the Day to your left, and it's so goddam appropriate to the new blog, well, it's going on both. I may abandon ship on this one, and that's ok seeing as I sort of abandoned it for a month, and so lost all 6 readers. Any way, I'm not really a teacher right now, so what the fuck, why not turn the page on this one. Maybe later I'll get back to it. Still though, gotta wait for the movie to come out- that, at least, I can faithfully say I've followed through on. Stay tuned......

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