Friday, May 2, 2008

An Introduction

As a teacher, I agonized over where to place the relevant apostrophe in the title. Points off for bad grammar, you know.

But as much as I hope for this to be a forum- and I'm still figuring out how to do this, so bear with me- realism must come into play.

The fact is, if you are even reading this, you are doing it alone. No one shares computers concurrently. Laptops are the new TV remote, upgraded and personalized. And so, I stuck with the singular. You can shut it off anytime you like. I understand that. I hope you read this anyway.

But still, the idea holds water- I 'm hoping teachers, students, former teachers and former students- everyone really- can glean something from this, this odd glimpse into the world of the professional educator. And I hope you say something- education is a messy business, and only moved by those willing to be labeled 'outspoken' . Please, comment, argue, foster discussion, whatever you like, really. No more babbling, though. Let's just do this.

1 comment:

Blair K. said...

Nice work, Mr. Bean! It brings back memories (and mine go back to the early 60's!) Looking forward to more.