Thursday, June 5, 2008

On Live Blogging: The Harmony Festival

Yes, it's true. I've been assigned to live blog the Harmony Festival in Santa Rosa tomorrow night. I'm doing the Jazziz Stage. As far as I know, I get a press pass, and access to the media tents, upon whenst I shall post comments to this blog, which will be uploaded to the Harmony PR website in close-to-real time via RSS feed. Doesn't that sound fancy? I'm talking out my ass. I had to look up what RSS meant, and 'whenst' isn't even a real word. Despite this, I'm planning on taking full advantage of the assignment. If I don't get a fancy looking press pass, I'm bringing a derby hat replete with hat-band, a note card and a magic marker so if needs must, I can scrawl the word 'PRESS' on the notecard and shove it in the hat, so that the world may instantly recognize me as a representative of The Media.

So yea, the blog will be given over the Harmony Festival, provided I can find out how to do an RSS feed by tomorrow night. Wish me luck.

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