Saturday, July 5, 2008

Next Blog

I'm sorta stuck in Chicago. Left my wallet in the UP, and am sitting around, waiting for it to return....and so I'm going to save you all a little time. As I can't go anywhere for lack of cash, I've spent the better part of a hour pressing the 'NEXT BLOG' button. My advice? Don't. Here are the stats:

76% of blogs are written in a language other than English. I'm sure they are all great, but it gives me a headache trying to recall all 476 french words I once knew and trying to piece together some sense out of them.

58% of blogs are photo albums. I know, 'a picture says 1,000 words' or some such whatever, but mostly, all the words are in French, for all the context given.

of those 58%
42% are family/baby photo albums. Of course this is fine and good. One must keep the family informed, after all. I just have issue with he ones written for anyone other than family, the ones that assume that a sorry- ass like myself (read: someone who is spending his Saturday clicking "NEXT BLOG" for an hour) would still be desperate enough to willingly sift through 177 identical baby pictures from a stranger. I can barely feign interest in babies related to me.

14% of blogs are spousal dedications. Great. remind me I'm single again.

4% of blogs have automatic music cued up, or some pop-up questionnaire. They are both alarming, more so the questionnaire, as it is usually in French, and I never know what I am agreeing to.

28% of blogs/bloggers have figured out how to trick out their site much more than I have. How do I get the cool template? Am I that computer unsavy? How do you spell "unsavy" anyway?

89% of blogs are pretty f**king boring. I'm sure mine falls into this category. I'm beginning to worry that I am becoming socially retarded. Worse yet, that I always have been.

Enough ranting. Maybe I'll go out and get....well, some fresh air, for all I can afford at the moment.

1 comment:

Justin Thyme said...

Hehe... trying to figure out which percentage my blog happened to fall under...